Index of over 4,300 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing back to 1937. Searchable cited references for more than 1,500 journals. Full text for over 1400 journals, plus legal cases, critical paths, research instruments and clinical trials.
Tutorial available at
A medical search engine that searches for information contained in more than 1100 ebooks and 650 journals.
ClinicalKey User Guide available at
Direct remote access – note users must register with UAMS email address:
Search through various biomedical, general, and academic databases that the Library subscribes including CINAHL, PsycArticles, PsycINFO, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Clinical Answers, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, and Cochrane Methodology Register
Embase (named for Excerpta Medica) is an Elsevier database of journal article citations that covers similar subjects as PubMed/MEDLINE, with an additional focus on drugs and pharmacology, medical devices, clinical medicine, and basic science relevant to clinical medicine.
Point of care source for pharmacology and clinical information.Clinical applications include drug interactions, tablet and capsule identification, medical calculations and patient advisory leaflets.
Pharmacy students should contact the Dean's office of the College of Pharmacy for authorization codes to the mobile device app.
The Catalog for the UAMS Library lists all bibliographic items, physical or electronic, found in the Library.
Search for items by author, subject, title, keyword, or subject heading.
If you want to access MedOne outside of UAMS, please register first on a device that is located physically onsite within the UAMS network. Your registration will then be automatically linked to UAMS and allow you to access from home.
MedOne content from anywhere. MedOne Neurosurgery platform provides comprehensive access to a portfolio of resources for training and clinical practice in neurosurgery and spine surgery. Providing access to 275 neurosurgery and spine surgery eBooks, including CORE TEXTS for residency programs; 4 neurosurgery journals; 418 surgical procedures that provide step-by-step instruction on core techniques; 225 cases with associated Q&A; Interactive Q&A bank with 1500+ questions for Board Exam preparation.
PubMed, a product of the US National Library of Medicine, is a large database of journal article citations covering topics from pre-clinical areas (molecular biology, genetics) to clinical medicine and more general areas such as healthcare legislation and policy. The full text of many articles is available free through links in PubMed.
You can now log into your UpToDate account using Single Sign-On [SSO]. This allows you to authenticate your account from anywhere with your UAMS login and you no longer need to authenticate onsite every 90 days. New users can also register for an account remotely or through the mobile app without having to first create an account on the UAMS network. Simply enter your UAMS email on the UpToDate login page and enter your credentials when prompted. Connect your existing UpToDate account to your UAMS login without losing your CME, bookmarks, or account settings by following the instructions in the linked tip sheet.
Concise topic reviews of published evidence with recommendations for patient care. Includes Lexi-Interact drug interactions analysis tool. Earn CME/CE/CPD credit every time you research a clinical question using UpToDate.