Problems, questions, or comments? Let us know what you find useful or needs improvement:
If the slideshow is in Blackboard, save it to the computer or a USB flash/thumb drive first.
Open the slideshow then click on the File Tab on the top left corner of the screen and scroll down to “Print.”
In the center section click on the box that says “Full Page Slides Print 1 slide per page” and from the handout section of the drop down menu choose the number of slides per page you wish to print. For best results click on the “Color” box and select “pure black and white.”
The Library has 2 printer / copiers:
Copies and prints are $0.10 per page for black and white and $0.20 for color.
Pay for prints by adding funds to your UAMS ID badge at the Circulation Desk. When you log into a Library computer, you will receive an account balance notification on the screen.
The Library accepts cash, checks, credit/debit cards, and inter-departmental transfers.
The copier/printers also scan documents and email them to your UAMS email address. There is no charge for this service.
For any other questions or help with printer cards, copiers or printers, please see the staff at the Circulation Desk during library hours.
Plug-in your USB thumb/flash drive into one of the USB ports on the front of the computer and the computer will automatically recognize it. Go to “My Computer” and Click on “Removable Drive (E)” to access your files. If your thumb/flash drive is not listed under "My Computer" contact a library staff member for assistance.
If you are unable to access a webpage from Internet Explorer, please try to open the page in another browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Shortcuts for these browsers can be found on the desktop of each public computer.
If you are still having problems after trying a different computer, please contact one of the library staff members for assistance.
See our listing of mobile resources. Most of these programs are available for download/installation from your device or home computer. If you have any questions or would like assistance please contact Alice Jaggers in Education & Reference at 501-686-8022 or email
You can stop by the Circulation desk on the 1st floor or call 686-5980. You can also renew all library materials online through the UAMS Library Catalog. Click on the “Log in to your account” link located at the top right of the catalog homepage and enter your username/password to login and renew your items. If you don’t know your username/password, call the library at 686-5980.
Students and Residents can access the Library 24/7 with their ID badge from the first floor, northeast lobby of EDII. For more information about after-hours access please see the policy page.
© 2017 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences | Little Rock, AR