Problems, questions, or comments? Let us know what you find useful or needs improvement:
The UAMS Library Advisory Committee’s primary purpose is to act as advisory body to the Library Director and Library Administration regarding Library policies and issues related to services, collection resources and user needs within the Library’s physical space. Committee members advocate for the Library throughout the various mission arms of UAMS. The members are provided an in-depth insider’s view into the daily issues and challenges facing an academic health sciences library. In return, their input helps Library Administration stay abreast of ongoing changes in programs and initiatives on campus. Representation on the committee includes all colleges and graduate school, students, Associate Provost for Academics, Academic Affairs, Center for Health Literacy, Educational Student Success Center, Office of Interprofessional Education, Northwest Campus, Research and Innovation, and UAMSHealth.
[NOTE: Appointments are on hold until the Library Director position is filled.]
Committee members are appointed / recommended by their department, unit or college. Students may be recommended by UAMS student organizations, such as the Associated Student Government (ASG) or volunteer independently for an open space.
Recruitment for the committee occurs in August or September.
[NOTE: Appointments are on hold until the Library Director position is filled.]
The Committee meets on a regular, quarterly basis. Meetings occur in-person and/or via Zoom.
© 2017 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences | Little Rock, AR