Looking for a place to study? The library has several areas suitable for individual and group study spaces. 
1st Floor:
- The Active Learning Center (ALC) on the first floor is available for both group and individual study sessions when not occupied by a class.
- Charging station
- The Silent Room (1/114) is equipped with 10 computers in study carrels and a printing station.
- The Watson Room (1/112), located inside the Active Learning Center, is available for group study.
- The Reading Room (1/104) is the glassed in area across from the Circulation desk and is suitable for small groups and for individual study.
- The Lounge (1/116) is equipped with vending machines, a filtered water dispenser for both cold and hot water, a microwave, and tables and chairs for seating for informal gathering and conversation.
- First floor west (1/113) has individual study spaces and 10 computers.
All of the above areas are available for students and residents after-hours to create a comfortable and safe place to study. See more about After-Hours Access.

The main lobby of the Library on 1st floor also has sofas, easy chairs, and ottomans.
The lobby also has individual study carrels equipped with library computers for individual study.
2nd Floor:
- Conference Rooms B and C are equipped with Smart Boards. They are available for groups only. Peer tutoring groups or faculty members leading small study groups may reserve these rooms. When these groups are not scheduled, the rooms are open for group study.
- Group Study rooms are on the west side of 2nd floor. Each room contains a white board , a large screen monitor that can be connected to a laptop via HDMI cables provided, and seating for a small group.
- 2nd Floor East has tables for quiet individual study.
- 2nd Floor MAIN has computer pods and study carrels for individual use. The Library supplies 20 computers on 2nd floor for student use.
- Charging station
3rd Floor:
- Groups Study rooms are available on the east side of 3rd floor. Each room contains a white board and seating for a small group.
- 3rd Floor South is a large glassed area for relaxation. The area has comfortable seating, a microwave, a charging station, restrooms and floor to ceiling windows.