Here are some strategies that can assist you in reading research articles during your ABSN program
- Before diving into the details, skim through the reading material to get an overview of the content. Read the introduction, headings, subheadings, and conclusion to understand the main points and structure of the text. This will provide you with a roadmap for more in-depth reading.
Set goals
- Determine your reading goals for each session. This could include understanding key concepts, identifying main arguments, or extracting relevant information for a project or assignment. Setting specific goals will help you stay focused and actively engage with the material.
Engage in critical reading
- Approach the material critically by questioning the author's assumptions, biases, and evidence. Think about how this information relates to your experiences, and experiences you've read elsewhere. Reading critically supports evidence-based nursing and helps you become a better clinician.
- After completing the reading, take some time to review and reflect on what you have learned. Summarize the main points, relate them to previous knowledge, and consider the implications or applications. This will allow you to draw connections across the literature to support your argument or practice.
Some additional steps you can take include discussing the material with a colleague, or seeking additional resources to supplement your findings. These steps help you maximize your learning and get engaged with the content to deepen you understanding and apply your knowledge in real-world nursing scenarios. Remember that reading for this program is not just about completing assignments but about developing a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Adopting an active and critical approach to reading will help you extract the most value from your readings and contribute to your overall academic and career success.