Problems, questions, or comments? Let us know what you find useful or needs improvement:
Find more videos for your own use or for use in your teaching on our Library Tutorials page. If you have a suggestion for a video tutorial topic, let us know here.
Reference Services: For basic reference questions or needs, contact Education & Research Services via email, phone, or in person. We are open 8:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Friday.
Education Services: Education & Research Services faculty offer instruction in one-on-one, small group, or classroom settings. We can provide training for your research team or for your students in a variety of formats, including in-person or over a platform like Zoom. We offer customized instruction options based on a class curriculum or your own needs. Examples of common consultation or group instruction topics include: conducting literature searches, refining a search topic, using a citation manager, finding a quality journal for article submission, and complying with NIH public access policy.
Research and Clinical Search Services: UAMS Faculty can take advantage of our Research and Clinical Search Services which include free literature searches conducted by expert searchers and specialized consultation services on topics like systematic reviews, auto alerts, and citation management.
Liaison Services: Your Library Liaison, Sheila Thomas (contact info on the left of this page), can be utilized as a connecting points to all of the services available via the library. You will hear from them via email when there are updates on new resources and services to share. You may also reach out to them at any time to discuss library resources and services, collection development, or your individual needs.
Nursing Literature Resources: Our guide on Nursing Literature Resources is useful for nursing staff, students, and faculty. It includes instructions on looking for relevant books and journals and provides a list of the most commonly used databases at UAMS for nursing.
InterLibrary Loan: Materials you need that we do not own or subscribe to can be ordered via our InterLibrary Loan (ILLiad) service. ILL fees are free to UAMS individuals (the Library covers charges up to $30). The majority of ILLs are filed under this amount. ILL request for journal articles are usually provided in PDF format. Our Library Tutorials page has quick tip videos on setting up your ILL account and making ILL requests.
We at the UAMS Library are happy you are here and look forward to partnering with you on your teaching or research endeavors. For a basic introduction to some of services provided by the Library, see the above section.
In addition to getting to know the library and its librarians, we also recommend exploring campus resources like:
The UAMS Faculty Center provides access to faculty development, promotion & tenure, mentoring, research, wellness, and collaboration resources. The Early Career Faculty page may be especially helpful if you are transitioning from a clinical role to a faculty position.
The Women's Faculty Development Caucus was founded in 1989 as a professional development and mentoring program to help women advance their careers and assume leadership positions.
The Office of Educational Development (OED) focuses on improving the teaching and learning experience at UAMS by providing consultation, services, and support in teaching skills and scholarship, eLearning, course design, and evaluation. Their services and resources are free to UAMS faculty and include faculty development workshops, Blackboard and Collaborate support, interactive module development, and video recording and editing.
Office of Sponsored Programs Administrative Network (OSPAN)'s mission is to provide sponsored programs administration to all stakeholders of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS). The Science Communication Group (SciCom) is a scientific editing resource available to UAMS investigators at no cost. SciCom's Resources page provides information regarding UAMS Research Resources, Grant Award Databases, Funding Sources, Publication Resources, and more. Their Services page includes details regarding their editing, research administration, and mentoring services.
Division of Research and Innovation (R&I) provides leadership in formulating and enacting strategies to expand system-wide research activities. Their Research Resources page includes many helpful links with descriptions for each.
Additional resources for those transitioning from a clinical role to a faculty role include:
There are various representations of the nursing research process. The below list is one example of the order of steps, based on the process as described in The Research Process in Nursing, 7th edition. [*Link to eBook Coming Soon*]
Included under each step are selected campus and external resources.
Additional Research Resources
© 2017 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences | Little Rock, AR