Courtesy notices are sent through e-mail at the time an item is checked out listing the due date, and again three (3) days prior to the due date of checked-out book(s). Renewals may be requested by replying to the courtesy e-mail notice, phoning the Circulation Desk (686-5980) during operating hours or by renewing on-line.
***Please Note: The date due stamped in the back of each book at check-out serves as the primary notification for the due date of the materials checked out. Non-receipt of the courtesy notice (sent to junk-mail, for example) does NOT remove responsibility for renewing or returning books on time. Library patrons without e-mail access do not receive courtesy notices.
An overdue notice is sent via e-mail the day after a book is due. Renewals may be requested at that time by phoning the Library (501-686-5980) during operating hours.
Billing for overdue or lost items:
If items are not returned by the due date, two subsequent notices are sent. The final notice is a bill for the replacement costs of the items. Borrowing privileges are suspended and will not be reinstated until the materials are returned or replacement costs are paid if the materials are lost.
***Please Note: Students will not be cleared to graduate until all Library materials are returned and fees paid.
Revised 3/7/2023